New year, new us (sort of)! After a few intermittent co-blogging adventures between the two of us, we both woke up with the urge to start book blogging/reviewing again. That was over a year ago.
Anyway! If everything went right, you can see us in the right sidebar: Lisa is a 30-something avid romance reader who’s previously blogged at Romances Ever After and who has been on a decade-long campaign to get everyone to #ReadTheMarchetta. Ellis is a 30-year-old translator who used to blog at Paper Riot and Finding Bliss in Books. And together we’ve set up this space for when one of us gets the sudden urge to write, review, or blog about something.
Personally, we’re very curious to discover how often that will be, but we genuinely hope you like what you find on this blog! And to kick things off right, we’ll delve into our favourite reads of 2022 and the books we’re really looking forward to reading this year. Feel free to share your own, and in any case: welcome!
Lisa’s Best Reads of 2022
- Fated Blades by Ilona Andrews: what’s not to love about this book? enemies-to-lovers plus drift-compatible fighting (!!!) please I reread this book so many times after I finished it.
- All the Feels by Olivia Dade: Alex’s chaotic energy had me in stitches throughout the book but what I love the most is the way he would go to war for Lauren, he would just burn the whole world for her (sounds extreme but this is also unpacked in the book lol)
- Bend Toward The Sun by Jen Devon: so many people mentioned this book on my Twitter feed so I just had to check it out and no regrets! The intensity of feelings between Harry and Rowan is chef’s kiss. The Bradys are also a riot and I want every single one of them to have a book, including Harry’s parents (!!!).
- The Devil You Know by Elizabeth O’Roark: WELL. If I had to sum this book up in one word, it would be HOT. All the enemies-to-lovers workplace romances I’ve read pale when compared to this one, this book is top tier.
- Flirting with Fifty by Jane Porter: this books is a case of serendipity – not sure how I stumbled upon it on Goodreads but it caught my eye because the cover is so pretty! One of the most romantic books I’ve read thus far, I still have tingly feels in my stomach whenever I remember this book.
- Sweep of the Blade by Ilona Andrews: all the books I’ve read in the Innkeeper Chronicles are my faves! The feminine urge to just make this whole list Ilona Andrews is STRONG, but I shortlisted this book because Maud and Arland are just exquisite together.
Ellis’s Best Reads of 2022
- Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi: possibly my favourite book of 2022, and one I instantly bought as a birthday gift when a colleague mentioned she wanted to start reading in English again. With the way Homegoing‘s structure and themes seamlessly complemented and amplified each other, it is, in my opinion, literature in its purest form and should be taught in schools.
- Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower by Tamsyn Muir: couldn’t put down this slightly unhinged love story between a princess and a fairy with an attitude (both of them, to be clear).
- Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil by Melina Marchetta: Marchetta is a phenomenal writer, but she’s truly at her best when she’s writing people finding their way back to each other. And found families. And secondary romances. To the point that I was texting Lisa in frustration at all hours of the night.
- Black Cat by Jed MacKay: bought them on a whim when they were on sale and now Felicia Hardy is the new love of my life: both no-nonsense and full-nonsense, ridiculously charming and loyal to a fault, she is the babe and the it girl of the Spider-Man rogues gallery. And an inspiration.
- Honey & Spice by Bolu Babalola: this story made me so happy. It’s such a joyful celebration of love in all its forms – romance, friendship, self-love, community, and life in general – that just feels so vibrant and alive. It’s laugh-out-loud funny, it’s tongue-in-cheek, it has this underlying beat of optimism to it, and its characters and relationships feel so real and lived-in. It could have been twice as long and I still wouldn’t have gotten bored by any of it.
- Notes on Heartbreak by Annie Lord: I am haunted by the last page!! In a very good way: I don’t think I’ve ever read a more beautiful send-off. And to this day, I still crack up whenever I think of the perfectly described ‘bowtle’ scene.
Honourable mentions: People Person by Candice-Carty Williams (heartwarming, chaotic in the best way, I wouldn’t mind a follow-up at all), Seven Days in June by Tia Williams (so effortless, the romance turned me absolutely giddy with delight), the Daisy Jones & the Six audiobook experience (completely elevated the story: January LaVoy, Judy Greer and Benjamin Bratt in particular), and the following rereads: Monstress by Marjorie M. Liu & Sana Takeda (Maika Halfwolf is the reason I support women’s wrongs), Hate Is Such A Strong Word by Sarah Ayoub (just immaculate: Sophie’s voice, Sophie x Shehadie, all of it), Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas (Beatrix Hathaway foreverrr, the ‘talented, brilliant, incredible’ Gaga meme fully applies), X-Factor by Leah Williams (the BEST team of the Reign of X era, there only being 10 issues is a crime), and Summer Skin by Kirsty Eagar (Jess is the definition of disarming, Mitch has so many issues, I was so into all of it).
Lisa Is Most Looking Forward to in 2023
- Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn: I cheated a bit with this one because I’ve read the ARC but still!!! Best Kate Clayborn to date, releasing on January 24th!
- Codename Charming by Lucy Parker: I would read Lucy Parker’s grocery lists and I’ve been gagging for this sequel to Battle Royal.
- Radiant Sin by Katee Robert: I’m a fan of this series and I made the mistake of reading the 5-Chapter preview on Netgalley so now I’m more impatient for this book.
- Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews: NEW KATE DANIELS!!! NEW KATE DANIELS!!!! NEW KATE DANIELS!!!
- Off the Map by Trish Doller: I’ve been an instant fan of Keane’s brother Eamon ever since he was introduced in Float Plan, so I’m very looking forward to reading his HEA.
- Rebel at Heart by Zoe York: second chance romance between married characters??? SIGN ME UP FOR THE ANGST.
Ellis Is Most Looking Forward to in 2023
Not all of these books are new releases, but that doesn’t mean I’m any less excited to (finally) read them this year!
- Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey: releases tomorrow, actually! Maggie taking up nine hobbies post-divorce is so specific that I’m already very entertained.
- Someday, Maybe by Onyi Nwabineli: released at the end of 2022, but is also a frontrunner on the 2023: What the over-35s Are Reading Goodreads list apparently, which made me laugh so hard.
- The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova: released in 2021… I’m a bad fan, but this unequivocal masterpiece WILL be read this year.
- The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi: I’ve been in love with Chokshi’s writing since her Star-Touched Queen debut and can’t wait to see what her first adult fairytale thriller (?) will bring.
- Knockout by Sarah MacLean: Imogen has been a favourite since the very first book of this series, and new Sarah MacLean is always a treat!
- X-Terminators by Leah Williams, Carlos Gómez, Bryan Valenza, Travis Lanham, Federico Vicentini: it’s Laura Kinney, Jubilee, Boom-Boom and Dazzler written by the geniuses who gave us (me) X-Factor (2020), what more could you (I) want!
Honourable mentions: Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews (new Kate Daniels!!!!), Alecto the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (and also Nona the Ninth….whoops), and Resonance Surge by Nalini Singh (though first I really need that synopsis to be revealed soon because I have some theories on this Auden Scott business).
HELLO, HI, AND HEYYYY, I’m so excited that this co-blogging thing is actually, finally now a reality. I know I’ve not been the best at writing reviews, but I have so missed reading some of my favorite people’s reviews (even if they are in the form of Goodreads updates 👀) (I know I get to read Ellis’s in her reading spreadsheets at least but it’s not just the same). Anyway, I love everything about this and I got so excited when Ellis sent me a screenshot on WhatsApp and it’s now live, eeeee 🎉🎉
Seeing so much of Ilona Andrews on here makes me so happy! Also, ‘drift-compatible fighting’ holy shit, I’M ALL FOR IT. Lisa, have you read Hidden Legacy series yet because that’s yet another good one. Can’t believe we’re getting more Kate Daniels but also can? It’s weird but my OTP is backkkk, I missed them so 😭😭
I remember starting Black Cat but I have yet to fully commit to it. Have yet to pick up Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil, Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower and Honey & Spice but I’m excited for all three . Also, will definitely put Homegoing on my TBR now because I just couldn’t make up my mind about whether it’s for me (chaos twin rec?) OMG, you’ve read Seven Days in June, Ellis! We should yell about it and Summer Skin, another great read. I really want to finally read all of Monstress this year so I really hope it actually happens 🙏🤞
So from the 2023 releases, I’m ashamed to say that I’m only aware of Magic Tides (ofc) and X-Terminators (plus The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina but that doesn’t count since it’s an earlier release LOL) but then this is what happens when you almost give up on this little thing we all love doing called reading. I’m coming back to it, though. Slowly but it’s happening. But does this mean I really should be reading Katee Robert hmm
Welcome back both! I’m always excited when people come back to blogging as so many people disappeared the past couple of years, but I also just disappeared for 7 months so maybe it’s just something in the water and we needed a break.
Lisa, you’ve got so many Ilona Andrews books here and I haven’t read them and I am judging myself, I need to finish catching up on their backlist! I also did not realise Lucy Parker had a new book definitely confirmed for this year so I’ve just gone and preordered Codename Charming so thank you for that. I am so behind on knowing what’s coming out so I need posts like this to keep me in the loop.
And Ellis, you’re list is reminding me how far behind I am on Sarah MacLean releases because I’ve not read Knockout or any of the series it’s in beyond the first. 2023 is meant to be about me reading what I own but I’m thinking it needs to be about me catching up on releases from my favourite authors.
Hopefully, I’ll be seeing something more from you both soon, but no pressure, just happy to see people coming back.
I want to read Notes on Heartbreak so badly!! Love a good last page 🥲
It’s wonderful you two are creating this bookish space! I love it! I also loved seeing Elizabeth O’Roark’s book on the list. I loved that one.