I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Kensington on January 24, 2023
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 366
Format: ARC, eBook
Source: Netgalley
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Longtime personal assistant Georgie Mulcahy has made a career out of putting others before herself. When an unexpected upheaval sends her away from her hectic job in L.A. and back to her hometown, Georgie must confront an uncomfortable truth: her own wants and needs have always been a disconcertingly blank page.
But then Georgie comes across a forgotten artifact—a “friendfic” diary she wrote as a teenager, filled with possibilities she once imagined. To an overwhelmed Georgie, the diary’s simple, small-scale ideas are a lifeline—a guidebook for getting started on a new path.
Georgie’s plans hit a snag when she comes face to face with an unexpected roommate—Levi Fanning, onetime town troublemaker and current town hermit. But this quiet, grouchy man is more than just his reputation, and he offers to help Georgie with her quest. As the two make their way through her wishlist, Georgie begins to realize that what she truly wants might not be in the pages of her diary after all, but right by her side—if only they can both find a way to let go of the pasts that hold them back.
Hi and welcome to my first official book review on this site!
Honestly, the whole idea of writing a “proper” or longform review is intimidating as hell so I’m not going to even try (at least not for my first few posts…we’ll see).
Anyway, here we go!
a string of (mostly incoherent) thoughts:
It’s a mess back there.
It’s a mess in here, I think, pressing my palms to my eyes, gusting out a heavy sigh.
- Kate Clayborn wrote this book because she knew I was struggling in life, period. I accept no counterarguments at this time, there is no changing my mind—
- I’ve never relate to a character so hard as I have to Georgie (the last character I felt this strong a connection to is Francesca Spinelli from Melina Marchetta’s Saving Francesca)
- Me throughout this book is basically that one Leo DiCaprio pointing meme at all of Georgie’s inner thoughts re: finding a purpose in life because ME TOO, SAME:
- And then I got emotional because I felt so seen (how did Kate do it????)
- Levi Fanning (!!!), where do I even begin with Levi Fanning…
- I read romance mainly for the heroes—a girl who’s perpetually single needs her fix from somewhere!—and what a hero Levi is
- Levi’s backstory is heavy and hard to read at some parts, but I truly love seeing how much he has grown in character by the end of the story
- I need to reread the other books later to further support my statement but Levi is my favourite Kate Clayborn hero now (soz, Aiden!)
“He’s tough because he’s never had a soft place to land,” Dad says. “Not a lot of kindness offered to Levi Fanning around here, for a long time, and I bet that makes it pretty hard for him sometimes. Especially when he needs to figure the soft things out.”
the best bit(s):
- The slow-burn romance: the chemistry between Georgie and Levi? Chef’s kiss. The intensity of their feelings for each other, the quiet intimacy, the way they’re so in tune with each other…all of this is just too sexy for me, I can’t stand it!!
- Georgie’s parents: I’m including Paul and Shyla in my list of Awesome Parents in Lit because they are the bomb dot com. That last bit about Georgie realising that her parents have always given her a soft place to land made me burst into tears
- Georgie’s friendships: I adore her friendship with Bel (and by extension Bel’s husband Harry), and also with Levi’s siblings Evan and Olivia
- Hank: no words necessary, what a good boy, the greatest boy
final words:
- Georgie, All Along is my first read + first 5 STAR for the new year, woohoo! What a promising start to 2023 – love this for me
- So I’m not even close to finding out what I want in life, but seeing Georgie found her way gave me hope that someday soon I will too 🙂

Lisa is a 30-something avid romance reader whose high expectations in real life men can be attributed to all the love stories she's read. Outside reading romances, Lisa also loves learning new languages (currently learning French and Spanish), and watching productivity videos on Youtube.
What a great review for this book! I loved it. So much. It’s my favorite of hers. I’m finishing up a binge of her Chance of a Lifetime series right now and I then I will have read all of her books. Levi is definitely my favorite hero of all of them.
I’ve seen nothing but good things about this one so I will definitely need to pick up my own copy. Kate Clayborn always hits the mark with her romances and writing relatable characters and it sounds like this one was scarily relatable for you. Cannot wait to read.